Developing A More Effective Presentation Style



Claire, a bright, client-focused, technically superior partner in a global professional services firm came across stiffly when on her feet giving presentations. She appeared held-in and distant from her listeners. I was asked to help her create a more relaxed, dynamic style.


In the beginning, Claire was resistant to changing. She saw herself as “no-nonsense and professional” and believed these qualities served her well. She had worked for years to cultivate a serious persona so she would be viewed with respect.

During our sessions, I had her explore involving her body when speaking, employing movement to give life to her voice as well as to her overall presence. She was accustomed to holding her body tightly and using it very little. As a result, movement felt awkward and unnatural to her at first. The videotaping was crucial to let her see that what felt over-the-top to her came across as committed and engaged when viewed objectively.

We also worked on taking more time to get her information across to people – to think about the concept she was conveying and not just say the words. Besides giving her audience time to absorb her thoughts, pausing made a difference for her too. She could collect her thoughts and say what she really wanted to say rather than wish five minutes later she had said something different.

Our sessions taught her how to see her listeners as individuals and not just a mass of people. As she learned to connect with members of the audience, she naturally loosened up and became more conversational. She went from “making a speech” to sharing ideas.


Subsequent feedback was that Claire’s presentations changed dramatically. After seeing her speak at a regional meeting, the Managing Partner called to tell me what an impact she made on the group that day. She herself felt she learned how to be “a more relaxed, go-with-the-flow person from the inside out” and still be professional -- not only in front of an audience but one-on-one with her clients as well.